March 31, 2024

"A 6 week Journey to authenticity and inner calm."

Ian Tucker
by Ian Tucker
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We live in a world that works night and day to make you and I just like everyone else.

To fit in. To follow. To be the same as…

The famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung likened our lives to a typical day, he said in the morning of our lives we focus on career, material gain, status, wealth and being liked - but he suggests that at some point there is a subtle but definite shift, as we step “thoroughly unprepared in to the afternoon of our lives” and begin a search for something more, to find true meaning for why we are really here.

So, what time is it for you on Jung’s watch?

Have you come to a point in your life where you don’t want to keep running in the wrong direction? Have you had enough of following the crowd? Perhaps you feel like there just has to be more to life.

After a 20 year corporate career left me feeling tired and empty I decided to follow a different path, to embark on a journey of personal care and discovery. To find meaning and a more simple, authentic approach to life. To know myself again.

My book titled Your Simple Path has sold over 40,000 copies and is a regular Amazon best seller. Each chapter is a step towards letting go of what no longer serves, and liberates you to create a life of authenticity and meaning.

And now you can experience the book and it’s message as a life changing 6-week journey to reclaim your sense of self and restore balance as you move in to the afternoon of your life.

You can now enjoy the course as a group experience offering amazing value for money.

CLICK HERE to see full details of the course.

6 week GROUP online programme - only £199

Next group course begins Wednesday 17th April 2024.

Only 2 places left.

As you can see places have almost gone for the next intake, are you ready to create positive and lasting change, to simplify and let go of what holds you back - if not now, when?

CLICK HERE to schedule a free, no obligation 20 minute chat.

“In a world where personal development can cost the earth, this course represents amazing value for money." Nancy D.

“Everyone should take this course, truly life changing.” Lizzie M.

“A magical experience that will last a lifetime.” Brian E.

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March 28, 2024

“Trust the fullness of time.”

My name is Ian Tucker. I am a wellbeing author and teacher. My intent is simple, I wish to share with you things that I know will bring you a better life.

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An image to accompany the corresponding blog post.